Sunday, March 24, 2013


March 1st was my yttrium birthday.  I was celebrated all day.  Three of the four classes I see on Fridays brought treats to class, my science colleagues brought treats to the 20 minute break and it was the school wide cake day at lunch time.  After school I went to yoga, had dinner with Keeley and then we went to play poker for the evening.  It was full of friends and well wishes and lots of sweet things.

All day Saturday I spent preparing for the second ever element party.  I baked and cleaned and baked some more in preparation for ~30 folks to show up in my very small apartment.  Somehow I managed to convince children, math teachers, librarians and even biologists to dress up as elements for two years in a row. Some folks took it more seriously than others, but everyone learned something and had a good time.

It is the friends that I have made here that will be the hardest thing about leaving.  

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